Margaret Gould Stewart
My name is Margaret. I'm a designer, a manager of creative teams, a wife and a mom. I am passionate about how design can improve people's lives, and the responsibility designers have to use their talents in that pursuit. I've led design teams for some truly world changing platforms like Google Search, YouTube, and currently, Facebook. I feel pretty lucky to do this for a living.
Find me on...
National Design Awards Gallery
Talks online...
Designing with Humility at the AIGA National Conference
How YouTube thinks about copyright at TED 2010
The Future of Design at University of Michigan Taubman College
Engineering Great Experiences at Adaptive Path's MX (Managing Experience) Conference 2009
The Manager as Tailor at Adaptive Path's MX (Managing Experience) Conference 2008
Writing on the web...
Let’s Stop Focusing on Shiny Gadgets and Start Using Tech to Empower People,, 9/07/13
Design: Creativity in service of others on the Copper Hewitt National Design Museum blog